The value of libraries

06/08/2018 |

A good library is an ocean of information whose  boundarie continue to extend with the endliess contribution of the numerous streams of knowledge. Thus, it has a peculiar fascination for scholars, and all those whose thirst for knowledge is instable. The usefulness of libraries in the spread of knowledge has been proved through the years. The field of knowledge is so extensive and life is so brief that even the most avid reader can never expect to absorb it all.

Those who have a love for knowledge, therefore, try to master only a small fraction of it. Even this requires reading of hundreds of books, cheap and expensive, new and old. But few people are able to buy all the books on the subject in which they wish to attain proficiency. It is therefore necessary for them to visit a good library, where they can read a great variety of books on the subject they love. Besides, many old and valuable books on certain subjects are found only in a good library. Even the orginal manuscript of an author, who died several years ago, can be found in it sometimes.

Today men every where have discovered the benefits of learning, more and more books are being written to extend human knowledge and experience. Governments and individuals throughout the world are, therefore, opening more and more libraries to enable people to read as many books as possible. Libraries have beem opened even in the remote regions of the earth so that peoplke who are unable to buy books from the towns, can tstill gain access to the various sources of knowledge. Mobile libraries serve people in various parts of the earth. The importance of libraries, however, is felt most acutely by students in schools and universities, where most students are engaged in deep studies. The number of books that a student has to study, especially at a university, is so large that unless he or she comes from a rich family, they can hardly buy them all. Besides, many books may not be avilable in the bookshops within his reach. It is essential to visit a good library to his advantage.

Some people even have their own private libraries in which they spend their repaxing time reading books that they have collected over the years and drive great intellectual benefit and pleasure.

In short, libraries have contributed so much to the extension of knowledge that they have become almost indispensable to all literate men.


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